Frequently Asked Questions

Who can shop in Rizoma?

Only members who are part of the Consumer Sector can shop at Rizoma.

Can I bring a non-member?

Yes! Each member can shop at Rizoma accompanied by a non-member.

Can friends or family members go shopping for me?

In extraordinary situations, if the opening hours of Rizoma do not coincide at all with your availability, you can delegate shopping rights to a friend or relative, who will be able to shop on your behalf permanently. Your work shift, on the other hand, is not transferable.

Can my child do shopping under my name?

Your children are welcome to shop using your card/member number up to the age of 14.
Why 14 years old?
We believe that Rizoma benefits greatly from the diversity of its people. So when they turn 14 (which is the legal minimum to become a member), we want to welcome your children to be an active part of the cooperative's choices.

Can a non-member enter the shop?

They can! If you are not yet a member, but want to see what the Rizoma grocery store has to offer, come and have a look.

How is the work organized?

The shift normally lasts 3 hours and each member is asked to work a shift every 4 weeks. Most of the work is organised on a regular basis, but there are some jobs that require flexible availability.

How is the work coordinated?

Each grocery team, i.e. each "type of work" (cash register, products, cafe, etc.) has a coordinator responsible for informing the rest of the team of the logistical variations of the work and organising any training.
If you have any questions regarding the functions of your team, contact your Team Coordinator (Coordenador de Equipa)!
In addition, there is always a member present or on-call who is responsible for recording attendance (and eventual absences), shifts and unforeseen events at the grocery store: the Day Support (Apoio do Dia).

Can I change my shift?

If the shift you have chosen no longer suits you or, for whatever reason, you want to change shifts or roles, email They will be able to help you find the best Shift and Team for you!
If, on the contrary, you are happy with your work at Rizoma, but occasionally you need to change shifts, remember that this is only possible within your working group or with people who have recently worked in your role. In other words, if you work at the cash register, you can only trade with the other cashiers, and so on. Use your team’s communication channels to find someone available for the exchange (found in the member manual).

What if I miss a shift?

If you realize that you will not be able to attend your shift, please contact your Apoio do Dia and as soon as possible, so that together they can find a solution.alone!
Important: If you do not inform your Team Coordinator that you will miss your shift at least 24 hours in advance, this will be considered an unjustified absence and, as such, you will have to schedule an additional shift to make up for the one you missed.

I missed multiple shifts in a row. What can i do?

If you missed two shifts in a row without notifying, your shift was assigned to another member and you will be automatically excluded from shopping at Rizoma. If you want to become an active member of Rizoma again, contact the Working Group responsible for managing members ( to agree on how you can recover the missing shifts and choose a new shift!

What if I'm away for a longer period of time?

If you travel or are unable to work your usual shift for a period of 8 weeks or more (i.e. at least 2 shifts in a row), you can ask to be suspended from shifts (and at the same time you lose the possibility to shop at the grocery store).
Important: It is possible that, during your absence, your shift will be permanently assigned to another member. If you really like your shift and you’re planning to be absent for a few shifts in a row, consider the option of arranging a punctual exchange for the shifts you'll be missing!

I'm older than 65. Do I have to work?

It is our belief that Rizoma can offer a suitable type of work for each of its members, so we suggest that you contact the Working Group responsible for managing the members ( to help you find the best work for you! Nevertheless, if you are over 65, you can choose not to work at Rizoma, but still keep your right to shop at the grocery store.

I'm pregnant or I have a baby. Do I have to work?

The birth of a baby or the adoption of a child entitles a member to a 12-month period of exemption from work. If both parents are members, they can decide between themselves how to share these 12 months.

I have a disability. What are my options?

It is our belief that Rizoma can offer a suitable type of work for each of its members, so we suggest that you contact the Working Group responsible for managing the members ( to help you find the best work for you! However, if you are a disabled person or an informal caregiver for a chronically ill or disabled person, you can choose not to work at Rizoma, but still keep your right to shop at the grocery store.

What if I want to quit Rizoma?

At any time you want, you can choose to leave Rizoma and the amount corresponding to your participation to the share capital may be refunded upon request.

Can I be kicked out from Rizoma?

Currently the only way to be "expelled" from Rizoma is to be absent for a period longer than one year.